Business Science Institute InsightsDecoding the future: dialogues between law, economics and management in a fragmented world
BuchbesprechungCan the management tools used by salaried employees be applied to volunteers? (The Conversation France)
Business Science Institute InsightsMultiple crises affect acquisition strategies of French multinationals (The Conversation France)
Business Science Institute InsightsInnovative management strategies to address challenges in the agri-food sector | Prof. Charlebois
Business Science Institute InsightsIntroduction to the DBA Program - Meeting the Paris School of Management (with P.J. Benghozi, M. Berry & C. Deshayes)
Business Science Institute InsightsMusikalische Praxis als Inspirationsquelle für das Management: Das Zeugnis von Xavier Durand, Generaldirektor von COFACE
Die Tribünen der FakultätTowards Corrida Capitalism: Casino, strategic and organizational jurisprudence to ponder