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Accounting Training of the Future: The DBA, An Investment in Excellence

Cécile de Saint Michel

President, Conseil National de l'Ordre des Experts Comptables (France)

Laurent Benoudiz

Vice-president of the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Experts Comptables, in charge of training (France)


Faced with the rapid pace of change in the accounting professions, the Conseil National de la Comptabilité took the bold step of launching the “Profession Comptable 2030” program at last year's congress in Marseille. This significant effort has already attracted over 10,000 participants. The total investment in this program amounts to 4 million euros, with a contribution of 3 million euros from the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. This financial support testifies to the excellence and importance of this course.

Combining Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technology

The main objective of “Profession Comptable 2030” is to integrate artificial intelligence and digital technologies into the training of accounting professionals. This approach aims to prepare staff and chartered accountants for the new challenges of their constantly evolving profession. It is clear that tomorrow's accountancy will not be practiced in the same way as yesterday or today, hence the crucial importance of continuous training throughout one's professional life.

Introduction of a new diploma: the DBA

Complementing this training program, a new diploma has been introduced for those who wish to take their academic and professional careers even further. An agreement has been signed between the National Council and the Business Science Institute (BSI), recognized for the award of Doctorates in Business Administration (DBA). This internationally-recognized degree enables professionals to obtain a doctorate in three to four years, boosting their credibility and career prospects on a global scale.

Promoting excellence

The DBA also offers an opportunity to enhance the value of the excellent dissertations already produced by professionals. Often, these dissertations contain high-quality research and analysis that can be further developed for the DBA degree without requiring excessive additional work. This bridge between existing work and the DBA makes the process of obtaining this title even more accessible.

Financial support for young professionals

To encourage young professionals (less than five years of registration) to pursue this path, the National Council covers part of the registration and training fees for the DBA. This initiative is designed to encourage continuing education and the acquisition of advanced skills from the very start of a career, thus ensuring sustainable and progressive expertise.

Conclusion: Continuing Education for a Bright Future

The investment in continuing education and the introduction of advanced degrees such as the DBA demonstrate the National Board's commitment to preparing accounting professionals for the challenges of tomorrow. This proactive approach not only guarantees academic and professional excellence, but also ensures constant adaptation to changes in the sector, placing accountants at the heart of innovation and digital transformation.


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