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In the midst of a career: the DBA, a challenge within reach

Jean Elia

CEO of Sogelife

Doctor DBA from the Business Science Institute


The Spark of Decision

Initiating a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) may seem an audacious, even risky undertaking for an established business leader. Despite many people's advice to the contrary, the decision to embark on this doctoral path was prompted by an unexpected inspiration: José Mourinho. This great soccer coach, renowned for his impressive successes, one day expressed his desire to take on new challenges, despite his mastery of his day-to-day work. This desire to surpass himself resonated deeply, prompting the DBA to be seen as a new challenge.

Confronting knowledge

The doctoral path offers the opportunity to verify professional knowledge and convictions through academic and empirical prism. The thesis focused on digital transformation and leadership, confronting theoretical perspectives from the literature with the viewpoints of 21 bank executives. This comparative approach led to key managerial recommendations, including:

  1. Top-Down Strategy: Digital transformation must be guided by a comprehensive, integrated strategy, rather than a series of isolated initiatives.

  2. Leadership Ownership: Digital transformation cannot be delegated. Leaders must take ownership of the process and act as generals in the field, actively involved in every step.

Lessons from the Doctoral Course

The DBA experience reveals profound lessons about the keys to success for such a project, as defined by Professor Maurice Thévenet:

  1. Seriousness: Rigor and commitment are fundamental. DBA requires constant hard work.

  2. Perseverance: Resilience in the face of obstacles is crucial. The challenges are many, and the ability to not give up is essential.

  3. Step back: Knowing how to distance oneself from one's subject is essential to maintaining scientific objectivity.

  4. Projection: It's vital not to limit oneself to theoretical research, but to look beyond it, considering the practical application of recommendations in the real world.

  5. Agreement with the thesis supervisor: A good relationship with one's thesis supervisor is crucial to the success of the project.

Conclusion: Follow your Intuition

The path to a DBA may seem daunting, but it offers an incomparable opportunity for personal and professional growth. Listening to your intuition and daring to take on this challenge, despite advice to the contrary, can lead to significant achievements and increased legitimacy in the business world. This doctoral path has enabled me to develop new perspectives, strengthen essential skills and build bridges between the academic world and the professional sector.


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